Friday 20 April 2012


Hi there blog watchers! Sorry about the lack of new updates. I'm still working on speediness, but I've also been doing heaps of very dry and boring studies, which just really aren't that exciting to look at. I figure that if I'm not really enjoying doing them, they're probably not worth looking at. Anyways I digress.

So this new piece continues the same sketching style used in one of my last uploads. Each figure starts as a silhouette, just black paint on the digital canvas. This makes me focus on the overall shape and stops me focusing on all the intricate details, which of course comes later. It's been really great for coming up with more interesting designs, so I'll be sure to continue doing them in the future.

Soon I'll be uploading a new piece of work I did for a very good friend of mine, so look forward to that.

This is Reiko signing off...Beep...

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