Monday, 13 June 2016

3 designs entered the arena, only one emerged victorious

That's right, I'm here today to announce the winner of my 'Choose the project' competition!

This was first foray into creating a survey and overall I'm rather happy with how everything turned out. I think next time I really need to look at other ways of getting it in front of more eyes, because there really was not a lot of participation going on. This was despite the lure of winning a free print.

However enough about my musings, you're here for the winner aren't you? It sure was a close one and it seemed like the Procession was the design to take the laurels of victory, as for most of the time the survey was open it was in the lead by several votes. In the end though a couple of extra votes towards Pirates in the last day or so saw it take the lead and claim the prize.

Here's a visual representation (a fancy way of saying i made a column graph) of how it all turned out.

As you can see, Pirates only won by a single vote! Party had a lot less love as it only got 3 votes.

I'd like to take a moment to give a big thank you to everyone who took a few minutes out of their busy lives to enter the competition. Thank you for your support and interest in my work. Also I hope I didn't annoy people too much with my continued Facebook posts about voting. I hope you enjoyed being part of the creative process.

Now it's time to start developing the design as chosen by you, the people. I'm really looking forward to developing Pirates to it's full potential and will endeavour to keep you well informed of it's progress. Once the final artwork is all finished and done, I'll announce the winner of the free print. Good luck to all!

Here's another look at the rough that gets to go all the way to the top:

I'm going to try and make sure I post plenty of in-progress images for this work, particularly since I've already shown you what the rough looks like.

Watch this space!

^_^ Thanks for reading

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