Friday, 24 February 2012

Agemashita Omedetou!

Hello there! Here is another artwork for you to enjoy.

This is the one I mentioned in my last post, reconfigured to become an image for this year of the dragon. Again I broke new ground, this time completely digitising the entire process (sketch included). I think I'm finally starting to get used to my Wacom.

I'm not quite certain what will come next, but keep watching the skies...or this blog whichever works for you.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Australian Influence

Hi there!

I recently drew a present for two Japanese friends heading back home in March. I really wanted to give them something before they left, so I designed a Chinese new year illustration for them. Though after getting opinions from others I decided to go with a strong Australian influence (especially since Australia day had only recently passed). I've put 3 Australian things in this image so see if you can guess them.

This is only the second time I've worked digital for the final illustration and I'm quite pleased with the results. Pretty soon I'll finish the Chinese new-year image I designed originally. ^_^